By using TechBus you can ensure your child safety. The tracking facility given by our product which gives the exact location of your child. Message will be received by the parent once the child enters or exits the school bus. The attendance system will ensure your child’s safety even more.As a result, The parents will feel more secure about their children by using this product.
We at TechBus are on a mission to empower the Education Sector with State of the Art Technology.
And This is just the beginning of our journey, as of now we have successfully managed to address 3 issues faced by the Education Sector : Safety, Data Management and User Engagement.
School Bus Tracking & In Bus Attendance
We understand that the School buses are under constant pressure to provide a safe, reliable service to the students and their parents and also to raise profits for the fleet owners. So, TechBus provides a highly automated and customizable School bus safety solution to reduce the stress on the drivers as well as on the transportation department of the School.
Why School Bus Tracking?
In today’s scenario, avoiding any mishap with the children has become an important issue for both the parents and school management. Hence at TechBus, we provide Latest Technology based School Bus Tracking Solution through which one can easily monitor the school bus along with the students in it so that you never lose sight of your child. It is a one stop solution for live tracking, route management, automated SMS, student attendance and more. TechBus School bus tracking emphasizes on accuracy, efficiency, safety and security and has no match in these dimensions. Ensuring the safety of your children can never get easier and more effective.